Hi Coach,
I just recently broke up with my ex of 3 years. I’m 27 and he’s 28. It’s been a
solid relationship. I believe I was his first serious girlfriend as he had some
issues during his childhood, which held him back from getting into serious
relationships with women. He went you years of therapy by the time I met
him and I believed it was behind him. We’ve had a great relationship as we
both have similar interests. We love to sail and do anything that involves the
sea. But since covid and the lockdowns we weren’t able to get out do those
type of things. This created some real friction between us, as we went stir
crazy in the house together. Then one day about a month ago he just told me
he didn’t want to be with me anymore. It was shocking and I didn’t see it
coming. I cried and asked what and why and so on. He didn’t really have
answer and kind of just stonewalled me. It was the kind of behaviour I
haven’t seen from him. He’s not super outgoing, but he definitely spoke up
about his feelings during this relationship. I was shocked by it all. He moved
out and actually immediately moved to another state to stay with his mother,
whom told him she needed him. Him and has mother have a had strained
relationship for years, but recently they seem to have patched things up.
And now I’m not sure, but I think the mother has manipulated him into moving
in with her, so that she could get some financial help. She was never very
kind to me and I think she didn’t really like me. She never made an effort and
I always did. She once told him that I wasn’t good enough for him, he told me
this. So now I”m wondering is that what it is? It’s only been 3 weeks but I
really want to call him and just get to the bottom of this all. I want some
answers? Is it fair for me to call and ask for that. I’ve never experienced this
in a relationship. I just want to know did I do or say something wrong?
What’s your take?